16 março, 2006

Alguns atalhos no teclado

Some keyboard shortcuts - Alguns atalhos no teclado:


F1 - Help
F2 - Rename
F3 - Search
F4- Address Bar
F5 - Refresh
F6 is also used to get to Address Bar.
F11 - Full Screen mode

Windows + D is more useful Windows + M because you can restore the windows back up after you show desktop.

Windows + Pause = System Properties

CTRL + Tab is also used to get to the Addres Bar.

Alt + Print Screen = Capture the active window, not the whole screen.

CTRL + Home = To the beginning of a page

CTRL + End = To the end of a page

CTRL + Shift + Home or PgUp = Select everything to the beginning of a page

CTRL + Shift + End or PgDn = Select everything to the end of a page

Ctrl + a = Select all
Ctrl + b = Favorites
Ctrl + c = Copy
Ctrl + e = Search
Ctrl + f = Find
Ctrl + h = History
Ctrl + i = Favorites
Ctrl + p = Print
Ctrl + r = Refresh
Ctrl + s = Save
Ctrl + v = Paste
Ctrl + w = Close Window
Ctrl + x = Cut
Ctrl + y = redo (undo undo)
Ctrl + z = Undo

Alt + Left key = Back
Alt + Right Key = Forward
Alt + Tab = Change Window
Alt + F4 = Close Windows
Alt + Print Screen = Copy to memory the active screen

Ctrl+Shift+Esc = Task Manager
Ctrl+Alt+Delete = Task Manger

Window + D = Show Desktop
Window + E = My Computer (Explorer)
Window + L = Login Screen
Window + R = Run
Window + U = Utility Manager

Shift + Left = Select Text Left
Shift + Right = Select Text Right
Shift + Ctrl + Left = Select Word Left
Shift + Ctrl +Right = Selct Word Right
Shift Delete = Direct Delete

These are some keyboard shortcuts known to me . There are many
other keyboard shortcuts. Please share the tips . Comment.

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