18 outubro, 2017

A segregação como modelo econômico

Dynamic Models of Segregation

Thomas C. Schelling, Harvard University

         When I read this article for the first time, I was a little surprised by the object of study of the scientist, because it was a model of segregation of people. But after a long time I knew the original article, and I understood that the model chosen was what the scientist could see locally in the USA in the 50s / 60s and who later placed it in a mathematical model (1971), which first of all , is what it is, a mathematical model and not the real world, but it is very intuitive for it to be experienced and remodeled.

                To contextualize Schelling's model, I suggest watching the movie: Detroit in rebellion, passing in the best cinemas in the city. Detroit, which already had 4 million inhabitants, today has one million six hundred thousand inhabitants. The beginning of the rupture of the social and economic model was already planted since the beginning of the "growth" of that city.

Available at: https://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~aldous/157/Papers/Schelling_Seg_Models.pdf

Accessed on: 10/16/2017

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